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       The 31st of August is a date that bears a great significance to all Malaysians. During the month of August, the Malaysian flag known locally as the ‘Jalur Gemilang’ which, loosely translated, means Stripes of Glory, can be seen literally everywhere be it on a lamppost, on top of a car, waving in the hands of patriotic Malaysian children and so forth. This seasonal rise in the nation’s love for its country is attributed quite obviously to the independence of Malaysia and the 31st of August is fondly referred to by all Malaysians as Hari Merdeka; the day the country’s first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, commemorated the independence of the Federation of Malaya way back in 1957. More than half a century on, it is only natural for such a significant date to still be remembered and this time of the year is also a delight to locals and tourists alike as Hari Merdeka prompts a festive spirit that decorates the country with wonderful displays of culture and tradition in the form of various public events and celebrations organized all across the country.

       On this lovely day,my family do one gathering at my grandmother house.My family member and me enjoy singing the National Songs.This one of my me memorable day.After we enjoy singing at home,we al going to watching the countdown concert at kuala lumpur.I enjoying with say MERDEKA!!MERDEKA!!MERDEKA!! at that concert.At this concert you can see malays,chinese and indian together to celebrate merdeka at that nigth.This show that how much our people togther.


After countdown finish,Cultural performances have been planned as well. Dancers from KualaLumpur City Hall (DBKL) will be performing the 1Malaysia and other Malay traditional dances. CNDancez will be doing Chinese folk dances while Vehaara Arts will be putting up Indian contemporarydances. Not to be sidelined, the Mah Meri orang asli will be showcasing their aborigine dances. The DBKL Orchestra will be in attendance to provide the musical accompaniment.

       Parents  · responsibility on this issue is important. Parents arethe ones who have the biggest effect to their children as they spend the most time with theirchildren. Therefore, parents should teach their children about the concept of patriotism andteach them to practice it since young. Take for example, they can send their children to‘Vision Schools' where they can mingle with all races, join multiracial community activitiesand others. Hence, by educating the young on patriotism, we are ensuring that national unitywill continue to exist in the future.

       Respecting the uniqueness of every culture, can help us promote racial solidity andenhance national unity. Other than that, schools are always said to be the second home forpupils. Therefore, school play their roles in order to promote the spirit of patriotism amongMalaysians. For example, schools can organize camps or campaigns which help to improveself-consciousness among students related to the importance of showing patriotism to theircountry. Besides that, schools must ensure that there will be a singing session for Negarakuduring assembly. Although this is a simple action, it would be a great way to show ourdevotion to Malaysia. During the week before the National Day, school can take the chanceto hold several activities, such as drawing Jalur Gemilang competition, class decoration withthe theme of patriotism, essay writing competition and so on.




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Oppa Gangnam Style…!!!

Psy’s massive hit, Gangnam Style, passed 200 million views on YouTube. The video has spawned hundreds of memes, pictures, and videos.

I can only say that there may be hidden meanings in the video. The silly and ridiculous song may not be as simple as we thought. A lot of effort and thought has been put into the video. This is mainly due to locations shown in the video, the actions and the song title/lyrics. 

What does Gangnam mean? 

Gangnam - an area in korea where the rich stays in.

Gangnam is a wealthy neighborhood in the South Korean city of Seoul where young people go to party. In the song, Psy whose real name is Park Jae-sang describes the kind of guy he is and the kind of girl he wants, painting caricatures of the ostentatious culture of people who hang out in Gangnam.
As The Atlantic pointed out in an in-depth article last month, behind the flashy costumes and killer dance moves in Psy's video, there's a subtle commentary on class in South Korea.
Gangnam style has become viral because it’s silly, fun, easy, satirical, edgy, novel & unexpected, unconventional, surprising, innovative. It’s also the confluence of traditional mainstream media and social media, and the economic engine driving the industries of music, entertainment, and news, all need the attention of masses of people, so popularity feeds popularity.

PSY’s horse  - riding dance move made this gangnam style video more hilarious till the video keep on watching repeatedly by people around the world. The small boy’s massive dancing attract the teenagers and adults mind and soul to this video song. It blown up people minds. It’s undeniable that the  sexy ladies and their best chemistry made this Korean video great as it ranked top 100 hits  in USA during this summer. The talented rappers with great combination of bass and techno musics create this video marvellous as it can make the viewers to dance all the time.   

It is really a nice video. Watch it and relax your mind.


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“Famines  result  from  a  combination  “ triple  failure” :  production,  access, and response.”
Famine is the “triple failure” of  food production, people’s ability to access food and, finally and most crucially in the political response by governments and international donors. Crop failure and poverty leave people vulnerable to starvation but famine only occurs with political failure. In Somalia years of internal violence and conflict have been highly significant in creating the conditions for famine
The UN uses a five-step scale, called the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), developed with NGOs including Oxfam, to assess a country’s food security. Stage five, “famine/humanitarian catastrophe”, requires that more than two people per 10,000 die each day, acute malnutrition rates are above 30 percent, all livestock is dead, and there is less than 2,100 kilocalories of food and 4 liters of water available per person per day.
Three factors have caused the Somalia famine to be so severe, aid experts say: severe drought, severe lack of governance and severe poverty.
First, the Horn of Africa has experienced two seasons of unprecedented drought conditions. Second, there's been a total breakdown in governance in Somalia over the course of a civil war dating back more than 20 years. Third, people are already extremely impoverished. And the three circumstances are perilously interconnected.
"You have not had a government in Somalia for 22 years," Oxfam's Shannon Scribner told The Envoy. "There's a civil war. People suffer from extreme poverty. When you add in the worst drought in 60 years, people don't have any assets to cope. They don't have food reserves. They don't have livestock. When the livestock dies, they don't have much left."

This famine represents the most serious food insecurity situation in the world today in terms of both scale and severity.
This is the first officially-declared famine in Africa so far this century, at a time when famine has been eradicated everywhere else.
The 21st Century is the first time in human history that we have the capacity to eradicate famine. To do so, we must address the underlying problems.
We must accelerate investment in African food production. There are regions in Africa we know have always faced chronic food shortages, where even small blips in harvests can have terrible consequences. We need more support for small-holder farmers and pastoralists (e.g. hardier crops, cheaper inputs, disaster risk management).

We must alleviate rural African poverty. More aid and budgetary investment into physical infrastructure (roads, communications etc) and allowing public intervention to correct market failures until markets are stronger (e.g. grain reserves to stop price volatility).

We need to move away from discretionary assistance to guaranteed social protection e.g. such as social assistance to the poor households to access food throughout the year and insurances, so that support can be triggered automatically in times of crisis. In some contexts cash transfers can be more appropriate than food aid, where availability of food is not a problem.
Emergency aid is vital right now, but we also need to ask why this has happened, and how we can stop it ever happening again. The warning signs have been seen for months, and the world has been slow to act. Much greater long-term investment is needed in food production and basic development to help people cope with poor rains and ensure that this is the last famine in the region.

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Narasimha Avathar of Lord Vishnu

         Narasimha (lion face and human body) Avathar is the fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In Tamil language Narasimam means Lion. This was Lord Vishnu’s fierce form of incarnation. Lord Vishnu took this avathar to save Pragalathan from his father Hiranyakassibu.

          There was a saint who worships Lord Vishnu, so he went to heaven. He was stopped by Jayan and Vijayan, who were the guards of Lord Vishnu, so the saint got angry and he curse them that both of them should leave from heaven and born as a violent human beings. They went to Lord Vishnu and asked remedy for that. Lord Vishnu said "I am not able to took back the curse of the saint, but I can give new boon that is you both can come back to me after 3 births as a enemy of me or you can come back to me after 30 births as my devotees. They said "We wish to come back to you in 3 years". As per boon both of them was born as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasibu. Hiranyakshya was destroyed by Lord Vishnu in Varaha (pig or boar) Avathar .

        Hiranyakasibu went to forest to do penance to get more power and life. After a long penance God appeared in front of him, suddenly he asked him for immortality. But God refused to give this and he asked he should not die either by human or animal. God granted that boon and disappeared. In the meantime Hiyranyakasibu's wife was pregnant, she was kidnapped by Goddess Indra, to control Hiyranyakasibu. 

        A sage named Naradha adviced Indra to release Hiranyakasibu's wife, so she released her. Naradha took that lady to his abode and told some moral stories of Vishnu to her. She was not interested to listening them, but his child in womb heard all stories and by birth he became devotee of Lord Vishnu. His name is Prahalada. Hiranyakasibu hate the activities of his son and he ordered him leave Lord Vishnu. When he asked Phahalada to show Lord Vishnu, Prahalada said God will be everywhere and anywhere. Hiranyakasibu asked him by pointing to a pillar "is your god in this pillar?” he said "Yes". At once Haranyakasibu broke the pillar into pieces.

Lord Vishnu appeared from that piece in the form of Narasimha
and killed Hiyranyakasibu and save Prahalada.


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<<<...MY ENGLISH...>>>

             English has become a world-wide language, with numerous countries adopting it as an official language. English is the dominant international language in science, business, aviation, entertainment, and diplomacy, and also on the Internet.
             It’s  is an easier task for me to improve my English due to my unbeatable interest on it. First and foremost, I will improve my English by increasing the frequency of studying reading materials such as magazines, newspapers, journals, novels, story books, comic books, and so on. By reading out this materials daily, I everyday able to know and  learn atleast a new bombastic word.  Morever, via watching out English forums, movies, comedies, debates and listening to radio , I could also improve my English. By watching and listening, I might be able to learn the communication skills effectively via English language. So, later on I can apply and practice out this communication skills when mingle out with the community or society. Furthermore, becoming as a member in English club, participate in every English competitions and activities also an another way that I preferred to improve my English. When becoming  member in English club I will be able increase my frequency of talking in English. So, day by day I could mould my tongue to talk in English fluently.
           In most fields of work our ability to speak English can help us advance our career, helping us get the job we want and earn more money. No matter what our area of expertise, skill in English will contribute substantially to our success.
          When it comes to English language, the activities that I love mostly is news reading, playing boggle, making scrap books or bulletins and writing essays. Among this activities I love news reading the most. When we reading news, there will be a chance for us to read out news infront of students or members and at the same time we can be pretend to be a great  news reader. It’s really an interesting and funny activity as story telling. I love it.
         In a nutshell,  whether you are a beginner or an expert in learning English, speak English can help you take your English to the next level. And not only will your English improve, it will improve faster than it would any other way.

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          THERE is an old, persistent Tamil tradition about a land that existed south of India called Kumari kandam (continent), a belief that is linked to the myth of the lost land of Lemuria, a figment of Western imagination. Accounts of the lost continent vary, but the common theme is that a large area went under the ocean as a result of geological cataclysms, a theory that geologists of today do not subscribe to.

           The last Ice Age had a profound influence on the prehistory of humankind. So in prehistoric studies of coastal areas, it is crucial to understand the consequence of changes in the sea level. About 14,500 years ago, the sea level was lower by 100 metres. With subsequent global warming and melting of large masses of ice, the level started rising, in stages.

           As the sea level rose, the low-lying lands in the coastal region and the exposed continental shelves were inundated. This phenomenon gave rise to the stories and legends of deluges that permeated the African, Amerindian and Australian aboriginal folklore and Greek, Roman and Hebrew legends, and the Indian puranas, which referred to pralayas. The coastal areas south of India that were submerged in ancient times evidently gave rise to the Tamil myth of the lost continent of Kumari, while myths of the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria were generated in the Western world.

           Lemuria is the name of a mythical continent purported to have been in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The lost continent derives its name from the primate lemur belonging to the group prosimians. Lemurs now inhabit Madagascar island, the surrounding smaller islands and Comoros island.

         The term “lemur” comes from the Latin word lemures, meaning “spirits of the night”, a reference to many species of lemur that are nocturnal and so have large reflective eyes. Their distribution once extended from Pakistan to Malaya. The English geologist Philip Sclater (1864) coined the term Lemuria in his article ‘The Mammals of Madagascar’. Trying to explain the presence of fossil lemurs in Madagascar, he proposed that the Indian Ocean island and India had once been part of a larger continent, Lemuria. His theory was put forward before the concepts of continental drift and plate tectonics provided the explanations for the similarity and distribution of formations and fossils in different strata and continents.

        During the 19th century, scientists frequently postulated the presence of submerged land masses in order to account for the present distribution of species. As Lemuria gained some acceptance within the scientific community, it began to appear in the works of scholars such as Ernst Heinrich Haeckel (1834-1919), a German biologist who promoted the work of Charles Darwin in Germany. Haeckel suggested that there was a land bridge that remained above water long enough to facilitate the migration of prosimians from Africa into India and the Malay peninsula.


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             HI everyone...how are you? Hope you guys having a great time. Here I would like to share about myself. Many people ask me, who am I..heheheh. My name is Devenderan s/o Rajadurai. I am 20 years old. I'm from Telok Panglima Garang, Selangor. It is near to Klang, Selangor. Everyone know well about Klang,it is one of the beautiful city in Malaysia.

            I'm the youngest in my family. I have a sister named Rajeswaary d/o Rajadurai. She is a a English Teacher in SMK Taman Mount Austin, Johor.I have a lovely parents. My father's name is Rajadurai s/o Ponniah. He is working as a Boilermen in a private company. My mother's name is Saraswathy d/o Murugiah and she is a house wife.

            I like to hang out with my friends and my family members .I'm so crazy about football games. My favourite football team  is Chelsea. I will never miss any of Chelsea games. Playing bowling and surfing internet are my leisure time activities.

            I enjoyed my school time very much. I had lots of funs and memories. My school's name is SMK Telok Panglima Garang which is the largest school in Kuala Langat district.  I sat for SPM in 2009 and STPM in 2011. 

                                                          This is my school picture

           My ambition is to become a successful Engineer. To achieve my dream and desire, I choosed the UNIKL MICET to continue my studies.

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Hello everybody...how are you??...I hope by blessing of God all of you will be fine forever. Here I would like to take chance to wish a warm welcome to my friends and present and future visitors to my blog. 
                  My name is Theyvan s/o Ganesan. I am already 20 years old. I am from Tapah Road, Perak. It is a village and now being upgraded by government to modern village by build up UITM, Prisoner Complex, huge railway station and so on. My village is very near to Teluk Intan and a bit far from Ipoh. It will took maximum only 45 minutes to reach Teluk Intan from my area if going by bus and to Ipoh may be around 1 hour 30 minutes.
                  Physically I will be look so small in size but mentally I am very power. Eventhough I look skinny bony a bit, but it never effect my stylish movement. I am very proud to say that I am a handsome guy and romantic guy too.
                 Furthermore, my hobbies are playing chess and chatting with friends via facebook. I really have a good character. I like to respect people, like to be loyal with everyone who have link with me and easily will trust anyone. Moreover, I will be sensitive and touching enough if someone scold me or talks rudely to me or embarrassing me in front of people. My bad character is I like to take revenge positively and negatively too on people who opposing me everytime. So, beware...!!!...Don't oppose me...Hahahaha....
                 Most of time I like to be lonely. I like to move alone. I will feel very hard to share my bad and good feelings with surrounding people. I am also didn't like to hear advises from anyone except my family members.
                Morever, I came to UNIKL MICET is not forced by anyone else. I am interested to further my tertiary studies here since I am in Form 6. I started to know about UNIKL MICET when I gone for Karnival Jom Masuk 'U'2009 when I am in Form 5.
                Last but not least, I am a friendly type guy. So, don't worry. Be friend with me. I will chill out your entire life....Hahahaha...!!!

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